a long time ago, in a galaxy far away............LEGO STAR WARS!For those not familiar with the Star Wars Saga, allow me to fill you in.
First In Episode I , in Wierd Al's own words,
"..in the end some Gungans died, some ships blew up, and some pilots fried.
a lot of folks were croak'n, the battle droids were broken.
and the Jedi I admired most, met up with Darth Maul now he's toast."
Episode II , Jango & Bobo Fet dogfight with Obi Wan Kenobi.

Followed by an awesome all out battle between
the new clone troopers and battle droids.
Left: Rupublic Gunship comes to rescue Jedi
battling the Droids.
Below: Yoda takes on the evil Count Dooku
and the Jedi make scrap out of the droids.

Episode III , Anakin becomes Darth Vader. need I say more?
( i havnt really got any Episode III Lego anyways)
Episode IV, check this out! --->
Ahhhhhh, the Star Destroyer.
Is there a more intimidating symbol
of absolute power, corruption, and Evil? excluding the Federal Liberal party of course.

So episode starts out with a scene of an imperial Star Destroyer with Darth Vador chasing and capturing Princess Leia. Shortley after, Luke Skywalker meets up with Obi Wan Kenobi as they head to the space port to find a fast ship & pilot.
Luckily, Obi Wan knows a few Jedi tricks to avoid detection from the Storm Troopers.

They find their pilot, Han Solo. He just has to finish up some business with the bounty hunter Guido. **Help me out here star wars buffs, but is it my imagination, or does Guido appear appear in more episodes?**
"going somewhere Solo?"
Episode V , starts out on the ice planet of Hoth. Here we see inside the secret rebel base.
Han Salo & Chewie fix the Millenium Falcon while Pricess Leia and the droids plan for departure.

After a little squirmish with some AT-AT's Luke takes his X-wing and R2-D2 to the Dagobah system to seek out Jedi Master Yoda to learn the ways of the Force.

Episode VI , Return of the Jedi

Luke travels back to Tattuine to rescue his friends from Jabba the hut, but he's got other plans
Meanwhile, the Emporer himself travels to the Deathstar to oversee the final stages of construction.

que the" Imperial Death March" here
But is was all for not as the Rebel Alliance -thanx to the mischievous Ewoks- was able to overcome the evil Empire and Luke Skywalker defeats Darth Vader and turns hjim back to the good side.

Here is the main battle. click on it for a larger view.

please feel free to leave any comments!